Are you 16 – 25 years old? Or do you know of a young person that might need our help?

  • Have you lost your mojo?
  • Would you like immediate access to some skills that will last forever?
  • Have you lost direction or a sense of purpose?
  • Do you want to gain an advantage over your peers?
  • Not sure of your next step after school, college or university?

If you’ve answered Yes to any of these questions then read on.

Firstly it does work and it goes on working (it’s habit forming)!

It’s a personality profile, it’s coaching and peer support. It’s not careers advice, however it will give you a sense of direction. An understanding of self, others and how to develop your potential.

We don’t think you will have done anything like this before, and you’ll wonder why.

It’s a commitment of only an hour a week for 6 weeks, but it will stretch you. Setting and achieving goals is no easy task.

About us

We are a group of qualified coaches who have developed this programme specifically for young people.

The team have extensive experience in the private and public sectors, and will support you to reach your potential.


You made me feel relaxed and welcome, and I have finished with a road map for the future.

This programme and the coaching sessions were excellent.

The programme was fantastic in helping me set goals.

The psychometric report was amazing and just so me.

I wish I had done something like this before.

I now have a better understanding of myself and that’s impacted on my behaviour.

The habit of keeping the journal was really useful in mapping out my plans for the future.



    © Launch First 2018